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Windows NT


Product Summary NT Server

Microsoft Windows NT Server is the easiest server operating system for your most demanding business needs. It's so easy to set up you'll be up and running less than an hour after you take it out of the box. It's so flexible and compatible you'll realize significantly reduced hardware and software costs. It's so reliable and easy to manage and use you'll experience far less downtime.

Windows NT Server 4.0 now incorporates the familiar Windows 95 User Interface which provides a consistent look across desktops as well as the server. Task-oriented Administrative Wizards make server management easier than ever. Wizards group the common server management tools in a single place, and walk you through the steps required to add users, create and manage groups of users, manage file and folder access for network clients, and much more.

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Key Features

Printing performance is improved through server-based rendering of non-Postscript® print jobs. This results is a quicker return-to-application time and quicker return of control to the user after a print job is initiated. Printer drivers for shared printers are located on the server for “point and print” automatic client driver installation. Remote printer folders allow easier browsing of shared printers

With PPP-compliant channel aggregation, RAS enables clients dialing into Windows NT Server 4.0 to combine all available dial-up lines to achieve higher transfer speeds. For example, users can combine two or more ISDN B channels to achieve speeds of 128K or greater, or combine two or more standard modem lines. This provides for overall increased bandwidth and even allows users to combine ISDN lines with analog modem lines for increased performance. Supports up to 256 simultaneous connections.

Improvements in Internet Information Server (IIS) version 2.0 include:
Easier setup and administration of your Web sites:

Client and Gateway Services for NetWare have been extended to support NetWare Directory Services (NDS). Added functionality includes browsing of NDS resources, NDS authentication and NDS printing. Supports authentication to multiple NDS trees. Support for processing login scripts has also been added.

PPTP provides a way to use public data networks such as the Internet to create a virtual private network connecting client PCs with servers. PPTP offers protocol encapsulation to support multiple protocols via TCP/IP connections and encryption of data for privacy, making it safer to send information over non-secure networks. This technology extends the capacity of RAS to enable remote access and securely extend private networks across the Internet, without the need to change the client software.


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NT Workstation

For smaller offices or mission critical workstations Windows NT Workstation may be the answers. Its built in 10 node peer-to-peer capabilities and stability make it ideally suited for this environment. For additional information on NT Workstation or NT Server please complete the request form on the products page.

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System Requirements
Intel and compatible systems:*
—486/33 MHz or higher, or Pentium® or Pentium PRO processor
—125 MB of available hard-disk space minimum
RISC-based systems:*
RISC processor compatible with Windows NT Server version 4.0
—160 MB of available hard-disk space
• 16 MB of memory (RAM)
• CD-ROM drive
• VGA, Super VGA, or video graphics adapter compatible with Windows NT Server 4.0
* See your reseller for a list of compatible systems and peripherals.
Networking Options
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 works with the following:
•Microsoft LAN Manager •Microsoft Windows for Workgroups •AppleTalk •DEC PATHWORKS •IBM LAN Server •IBM SNA networks •The Internet •NFS networks •Novell NetWare •RAS by way of ISDN, X.25, and standard phone lines •TCP/IP networks
Clients supported
•Windows 3.x •Windows for Workgroups •Windows 95 •Windows NT Workstation •Apple® Macintosh •MS-DOS® •OS/2® •UNIX (Requires ODBC client software from Visigenic® Software, San Mateo, California.)
Flexible licensing Options
Microsoft offers flexible, cost-effective options for licensing Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 and other BackOffice® products. Acquire a Server License for the product and a Client Access License for each client computer that accesses the product. A Client Access License allows a computer to access the product on any server on the network. Since usage patterns vary, a concurrent use option is also available. This licensing model lets you get exactly what you need for your business requirements, and new graphical license management tools make the option you choose easy to administer.

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Last modified: September 14, 1997
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