T.A.B. Service, Inc.


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How many times have you or your employees gone for training only to return not knowing any more than before you went. From the time we were in school training is thought of as a group of people in a class room being given group instruction and this is what is wrong. Education is what you need training is what you get. The expenditure for training is less but in the end education's net cost will be truly less. In order to provide software education the instructor must know how the software will be used in your business; how much knowledge of the software the person or persons to be educated posses; and if the level of knowledge to be achieved can be obtained in a class room or must the instruction be one-on-one.

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What we teach!

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How we teach!

We meet with you to determine your objectives. We get samples of what you are doing now and outlines of what you want to due. We meet with the employees whom will be receiving the instruction. We prepare a course outline and determine the cost and the return. We schedule instruction close enough together to maintain continuity but far enough a part to insure what has been learned has been learned. If you do not use it then you will not retain it. When the classroom instruction is complete we schedule follow-up meetings with those receiving instruction to insure they are able to use the information they have learned in everyday application. Instruction is done using your data in our facility and follow-up is done at your location. We do not consider the classes complete until you are satisfied with the results.

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The Cost

The cost is based on the number of hours required and the number to be educated. We do not mix employees from other companies, except for networking classes. We only recommend our method of instruction when the payback is less than one year. We do not recommend this form of instruction if the average turnover in your company is less than three years. We use hard and soft dollar cost in determining payback. Our proposal covers all aspects of the education; manuals, handouts, instruction, and follow up. With firm pricing and guaranteed results you know the true cost before you start. With our cost worksheet you also know the estimated net cost.

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Last modified: September 14, 1997
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