T.A.B. Service, Inc.


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Cougar Mountain Account Software


Product Summary

Cougar Mountain has been providing businesses like yours with accounting software since 1982. If you are interested in accounting software that will run the way you run your business, not the way a software company thinks you should, join the over 20,000 other businesses using Cougar Mountain Software.

Accounting software is not something that you want to be changing every 6 months -- you need accounting software that will change as your needs change and grow as you grow. Cougar Mountain will be the last accounting software you ever buy.


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Key Features

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  1. Custom Report Writer
  2. Import/Export Data
  3. On-Line Credit Card Authorization
  4. Barcode Generator
  5. Multi-Location Inventory
  6. Bill of Materials
  7. Back Order Tracking
  8. Job Cost
  9. Layaway

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Training and Support

On-Line help for each input line, ATC such as "TAB"( see the training section for more details), a complete well documented manual, or the classroom at "CMS" headquarters in Boise, Idaho. Technical support is available from "TAB" or directly from Cougar Mountain.

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Hardware Requirements

IBM compatible with 20 megabytes of hard disk space, 640K RAM with EMS, and DOS 3.3 or compatible.

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Last modified: September 14, 1997
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